
I’m a game developer, software engineer, and all-around pusher of buttons.

I make games and tools for game developers, working in everything from C/C++ to TypeScript, from MEL to VBA.

I live in the Midwest US, where I grew up. I’m an agender person (they/them), a Zen Buddhist, and a hobbyist musician / cook / linguist / all sorts of things.



Spry Fox - Project Friendship

Currently in development, a massively multiplayer cozy life sim. Creating and supporting workflows for artists, designers, and writers.

Torn Banner - Various Tools

Mainly, I created and supported a proprietary tool called Submit Helper, a custom P4V tool designed to kick off preflight builds, manage Jira tickets, open/close code reviews, and anything else needed before things got tossed into the depot.

I also supported tool needs for animators, created a framework for building automated tests in UE5, and a few other things.

Volition - Saints Row (2022)

My first shipped AAA title - I worked on this from pre-production to DLC.

The realtime cinematics system was my baby. In addition to implementing anything the cinematic artists needed, I also heavily supported the good folks in the lighting, VFX, and audio teams.

I was also the sole dedicated accessibility programmer, so I owned features like alternative control methods, blood & gore, subtitles, and some challenge level settings.

Volition - CTG Editor

I created and supported a timeline-based scripting editor for cinematic artists, so they could do things like show/hide objects, change the time of day, or load/unload parts of the open world, over the course of a cinematic.

I also owned a few other features relating to object spawners and batch editing game components.



Very early work-in-progress. Highly methodical visual puzzle game. Created with LÖVE. Also developing wuv2d, a library for developing games in Lua/LÖVE.